Shutter Island is an American psychological thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film was released in 2010 and is based on Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel of the same name. Martin Scorsese pays attention to every detail in this film, making "Shutter Island" one of the best suspense thrillers of all time.
Lesson 3 | Dolores
PART I | Read the text and answer the questions in English. Then watch the extract.
Texte à lire avant de regarder l'extrait
PART II | After watching the extract, answer the following questions in English.
1- What do you think fire stands for / represents?
2- In the very first scene, another natural element was quite significant. Do you remember which one?
3- Is this other element present in the extract you have just watched? How?
4- How do you understand the sentences "You have to let me go" and "you have to face that". What does it say about Teddy?
1- What do you think fire stands for / represents?
2- In the very first scene, another natural element was quite significant. Do you remember which one?
3- Is this other element present in the extract you have just watched? How?
4- How do you understand the sentences "You have to let me go" and "you have to face that". What does it say about Teddy?
Dolores means “pain”. This is highly significant because she is now a painful and sorrowful memory for Teddy. He has trouble facing the fact that she is death and turning on a new leaf. He has not managed to achieve closure on the loss of his wife. This is the reason why she keeps saying “you have to let me go” and Teddy responds with “I can’t”.
Natural elements
Ashes / fire / water -> references to his wife’s death as well as to the way Rachel murdered her three children.
Water and fire (+ ashes) imageries are used to symbolize the intrusion of tragic events from Teddy’s past. For example, when Teddy dreams about his late wife, she appears dripping wet. The film director chose to show how Teddy’s repressed traumatic memories blend together in his hallucinations. The memories of those traumatic episodes flood back to him in a dreamlike way. He is tortured by those haunting recollections of his past.
Dolores means “pain”. This is highly significant because she is now a painful and sorrowful memory for Teddy. He has trouble facing the fact that she is death and turning on a new leaf. He has not managed to achieve closure on the loss of his wife. This is the reason why she keeps saying “you have to let me go” and Teddy responds with “I can’t”.
Natural elements
Ashes / fire / water -> references to his wife’s death as well as to the way Rachel murdered her three children.
Water and fire (+ ashes) imageries are used to symbolize the intrusion of tragic events from Teddy’s past. For example, when Teddy dreams about his late wife, she appears dripping wet. The film director chose to show how Teddy’s repressed traumatic memories blend together in his hallucinations. The memories of those traumatic episodes flood back to him in a dreamlike way. He is tortured by those haunting recollections of his past.
Lesson 4 | George Noyce (à venir)
Who is George Noyce?
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