American Film Adaptations Studies | Jurassic Park
American Cinema and Film Adaptation Study | Jurassic Park
Novel By Micheal Crichton and Film Adaptation by Steven Spielberg
Leçon 1 | Comparison Between The Two Official Trailers
Leçon 2 | Written Comprehension : "Welcome" (novel by Michael Crichton)
Leçon 3 | Comparison and Analysis - Extract from the book "Welcome" and The Film Adaptation.
Leçon 4 | Point de réflexion sur la langue, les adjectifs composés en anglais.
Leçon 5 | DNA Extraction - Introduction, Translation, Film Adaptation.
Leçon 6 | Ethical Debate with Pr. Malcom [Ethical Debate and Implications: “We can, but should we?”]
Leçon 7 | Extract N°3: Nedry shuts down the park's security system (...)
Leçon 8 | Nedry's Plan Goes Awry [Analyse détaillée du texte puis comparaison avec le film]
Leçon 9 | What is a Dinosaur? [General Backgoung Information | Dinosaurs and Birds.]
Leçon 10 | CBS NEWS "De-Extinction" - Compréhension orale