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La démarche pédagogique utilisée ici
Une démarche déductive
Son rôle est de livrer aux apprenants les clés, les informations, les exemples et les théories nécessaires. Puis, il les place en situation réelle et les encourage à appliquer la théorie. La démarche va du général au particulier. C'est ainsi qu'il m'a semblé important de réviser le Royaume Uni et sa formation, ainsi que le prétérit simple que nous avons ensuite mis en application dans un contexte spécifique - celui du Brexit et de ses conséquence pour le RU.
Son rôle est de livrer aux apprenants les clés, les informations, les exemples et les théories nécessaires. Puis, il les place en situation réelle et les encourage à appliquer la théorie. La démarche va du général au particulier. C'est ainsi qu'il m'a semblé important de réviser le Royaume Uni et sa formation, ainsi que le prétérit simple que nous avons ensuite mis en application dans un contexte spécifique - celui du Brexit et de ses conséquence pour le RU.
Leçon 1 | The British Isles and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Leçon 2 | Révisions grammaticales afin de mettre en pratique le prétérit.
Leçon 3 | The Union Jack and The Welsh flag
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Leçon 4 | David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Brexit
Mise en pratique du prétérit dans un contexte culturel et spécifique. Le prétérit est indiqué en rouge.
The word Brexit is used to refer to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. It is a blend of British (or Britain) and exit, probably on the same pattern of Grexit (coined earlier in the same year).
During the General Election, Prime minister David Cameron promised to hold a referendum about Britain’s membership in the European Union if his government was re-elected. Even though [although] David Cameron himself was against the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, he kept his promise and a referendum was held in 2016. On 23rd June 2016, 51.9% voted in favour of leaving the European Union. Because David Cameron wanted to remain within the Union, he decided to resign [step down].
After numerous negotiations, Britain’s split from the European Union took full effect in early 2021. The newly elected Prime Minister – Boris Johnson – was determined to implement Brexit because it was the will of the voters.
The United Kingdom is the first and only sovereign country to have left the EU after 47 years of membership. |
Leçon 5 | Brexit Results and The Consequences for Scotland
In 2016 the results showed that Scotland voted in favour of the United Kingdom staying in the European Union by 62% to 38%. However, the United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave. The Leave side won by a margin of 52% to 48%.
But people in Scotland have the feeling of being taken out of the European Union against their will. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told a media conference a second independence referendum was "highly likely" after the UK voted to leave the EU. According to Scotland’s First Minister, the Scottish parliament (Holyrood) should have the right to hold another referendum. At a news conference in Edinburgh, Ms Sturgeon said: "It is, therefore, a statement of the obvious that a second referendum must be on the table, and it is on the table."
Leçon 6 | Entraînement à la compréhension orale
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